Reef App - Encyclopedia

by Kasper Hareskov Tygesen

Books & Reference

1.99 usd

Husbandry info on more than 800 marine fish and 35 common invertebrates.

Reef App is an encyclopedia, covering more than 800 marine fish and 35 common marine invertebrates.Descriptions are written in a unique categorized manner which enables the reader to gain a quick overview.While most species are covered in great detail, biological descriptions are left to the referenced articles, keeping the descriptions to what is relevant to aquarists.Additional species will be added on a regular basis.Highlights:• Search by common and Latin name.• Filtering species based on whether or not they are reef safe, peaceful or suitable for a certain type of aquarium. • Filtering by color.• Multiple units of measure supportedLanguages:• English• German• Danish- New species added

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Informative and easy to use

jonty kemp

Needs more. If they plan on updating the database then great. But there isn't alot on there for the price. Has potential

Benjamin Hayden

Cant load photos

novan ardhiansyah

very good but could do with a database of corals, sps, lps and softies

Chris Jones

Not bad, but I hope this "reef" app can provide information of coral and anemone

Ng Burger

Very complete database for fish with pictures and behavior information. Lacking lots of inverts, mollusc and other non-fish species (even the more famous ones). Would be nicer if there's a sorting option (size, common name) and better filter tool (herbivore or carnivore, origin, etc), but still an amazing app nevertheless

David Sitompul

Great layout and information. Easy to use and a big must for checking out that next purchase for your marine aquarium.

Mick Brownie

Very thorough, good pictures and nice interface. Definitely worth it!

Laura Brown